Report: AI & Sustainability – 20 examples where the technology is used today

May 2022

We are now launching our AI-report in English. Learn about exciting technologies, leading the way and supporting humanity in our efforts to reach a fossil free society.

SusTechable is a movement dedicated to exploring the intersection of technology and sustainability. We are obsessed with transforming our existential angst to something constructive and as a team effort we’ve co- authored this report highlighting how AI, already today, is moving the needle, decreasing emissions and rethinking energy consumption.

In the following report you’ll be inspired and mesmerised by how exciting technology is leading the way and supporting humanity in our efforts to reach a fossil free society. Having said that, we can’t lean back and hope that tech will save us from the damage we’ve done to the planet and the environment – it’s just one aspect of a sustainability transformation. For one, keeping oil, coal and gas in the ground where it belongs is paramount. Second obvious disclaimer, and good news for everyone is that this report is a smörgåsbord and should not be seen as exhaustive.

/ Aurore, Judith, Iman, Ariana, Tilda och Céline


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