The cliche is true; the only constant is change

We are at a crossroad where technology is transforming society as we know it, and we are facing the seismic challenge of addressing our damage to climate and planet. Turbulence is the new normal for the foreseeable future. And resilience, creativity and dedication will be our civic duty. This chapter not only puts a strain on us as individuals, companies and nations but the immediacy and significance require us all to step up, take responsibility and creatively participate. We at Sustechable don't believe technology will so to speak "save us" as the structural, behavioural challenges run deeper. We need to honestly ask ourselves - How did we get here?

However, in tandem to rethinking the foundations of society, technology has a part to play in transitioning to a fossil free economy. Here is our contribution to identifying, explaining, and augmenting the technology of today and tomorrow that can have a positive impact on society.

Sustechable is mission, a growing network of volunteers, a place to learn about tech and get new perspectives, it’s not a company (yet), it’s not an investment vehicle (yet), it is for now more like a blog, a smorgasbord of content with a network of hearts and brains dedicated to supporting the green transition with tech.

Come join us!

Meet the team


Aurore Belfrage

Aurore Belfrage is a political advisor, tech investor, news junkie, columnist, ex-scrap dealer, proud mother, aubergine lover & West Wing fan.


Judith Wolst

Judith Wolst is an entrepreneur, geek, digital strategist, public speaker, blogger and author. Former digital agency-owner. She drinks her green tea with milk.


Iman Zaghw

Iman Zaghw is a business developer by profession, tech and social impact nerd, third culture kid and serious hummus lover.


Sustechable Fellowship

The green transition affects us all; all perspectives are needed, all walks of life can and should contribute. The Sustechable Fellowship is our way to invite you contribute with your time, ideas, resources, and support. No one can do everything, everyone can do something.


Caroline Måhl


Molly Zackrisson


Ariana Ghatan


Tilda Lindén


Céline Pattyranie


Marius Hojenski

Miriam L. Murray (Awad)